
19 Of The Most Effective Ways Agencies Generate Leads

Requiring a piece of information that’s more personal and goes beyond a form’s auto-fill options will filter out real leads versus unrealistic signups. For example, someone putting in a style preference or their sizing shows that they put more thought into the purchase by having to go beyond the auto-population of name, email, and phone number.

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Elena Scheiner
How To Create Social Media Display Ads That Captivate Generation Z

A best practice for capturing Gen-Z attention is using short-form video content. With that said, making sure you provide a reason to watch until the end or to scroll through a carousel of images is also crucial. Achieving a good result lies in making sure that there is some type of fear-of-missing-out effect within the content: What will they miss out on if they exit too soon?

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Elena Scheiner
Balancing The Value of Time and Money

Time is one of our scarcest resources—the value is intangible and ultimately finite. This is why it’s so important to make thoughtful decisions about what we choose to dedicate our time to and what we’re gaining in the long run from the loss of those hours.

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Elena Scheiner